OFA/Companion Animal Eye Registry Exams
We offer OFA/CAER exams on the last Wednesday of each month. These exams for Breeders to determine their dogs phenotype and best inform their breeding decisions. The exams include slit-lamp biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscopy and results are delivered vis the complete OFA form (consultation is not included in the standard OFA but cam be requested for an additional fee). Animals with known eye disease require complete examination and consultation.
All OFA/CAER documentation is done online and is a legal requirement of the exam. An online application must be filled out prior to the exam, dogs arriving for their appointment without an application will be denied an exam.

Register with OFA for CAER
Before calling to schedule the exam, please create an online account with OFA:
If you already have an account log in to create a New Application.

Create A New Application
Select "Create a New Application"

Fill out the Form
Fill out all the information you have available for the dog. Microchip (preferred) or tattoo are important to confirm the identity. Non mandatory missed information can be added at a later time.

Select "Online Exams"
Below the dogs information you will see the Exam/Service section. Here you will click on the ‘Online Exams’ as we are going to be conducting a CAER Eye exam.

Select "In a Veterinary Office"
Select "in a Veterinary Office" and Save

Search and Select  "Osinchuk"
Enter "Osinchuk" (not Stephanie Osinchuk, or Dr. Osinchuk) into the search bar and select the orange magnifying icon. Then click the bar that populates with Stephanie Osinchuk Ophthalmologist 1045 Linden Ave.

Save your Application
Save your application and give us a call at:
or email islandveterinaryeyespecialist@gmail.com to schedule.
All examinations are paid for at the time of booking.

Arrive 30 Minutes Early
Arrive 30 minutes early to allow for dilating eye drops to take full effect.
1 hour parking available on Fort St prior to Linden Ave.
The following breeds require two examinations (one pre and one post dilation:
Australian Shepherd
Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog
Miniature American Shepherd
Miniature/Toy Australian Shepherd

Eye Exam
The eye examination is completed on a lift table to allow examination of all areas of the eye. Dogs must be capable of remaining still throughout the exam under your restraint. If you anticipate your dog will be wiggly please work on this in advance and bring an extra person to assist with restraint.
Tattoos and microchips (preferred) must be verifiable at the time of the exam for validation and linking of the results to the animal.
If you have any difficulties or need further information please don’t hesitate to let us know. We are happy to help.
We look forward to seeing you!
The Island Veterinary Eye Specialist Team